[GF-Users] Last Postfix >= 3.7.0

Peter peter at pajamian.dhs.org
Sat Aug 20 05:01:19 MST 2022

On 20/08/22 23:28, Günther J. Niederwimmer wrote:
> I have the oracle Linux 8 last, running on this Server

Strange, I'm running an instance on Oracle 8 and another instance on 
Rocky Linux 8 and have not seen this behavior.

> Peter a question ;-)
> is it not possible to switch your repositories to the new possibilities of
> RHEL 8.9 (module), then you could just switch to your repository and postfix
> would just be installed on the next update and the weird postfix3 would
> disappear ;-)

Modules are a pain, even Red Hat has pulled back from using them in RHEL 
9.  The "3" in postfix3 is a historical artifact, though.  It's strictly 
not needed any longer, but I've left it there because I don't like 
change.  There's a long story behind why it was introduced in the first 
place, and this was way back when I was building for CentOS 6 and 7 and 
possibly even 5.


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